Feedback-Buying and Selling Cars

Life After 18Picture yourself driving this!

    A Bit About You


    We’d like to share your comments in marketing materials for the Life After 18 lessons. We do not share first names, last names, locations, photos, or any other personal information about you without your permission.

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    Your Feedback

    Overall, do you feel the material made sense and you learned a valuable skill or two?

    5-You could teach a friend4-Every single bit3-Mostly2-Some yes1-Not at all

    Please share any lingering questions you might have about this lesson’s topics.

    Is there anything else you think we should add to the discussion?

    Is there anything we just shouldn’t talk about?

    Do you have any other comments you’d like to share about this class? Good, bad or ugly: all feedback is important to us.

    © 2020 Janet M. Nast
