When you turn 18, y’all should know the Basics of How Auto Insurance Works.

Auto isn’t the only type of insurance you should understand.Click this button to Save and Share a copy of this article. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out to me by using the Contact Jan form in the sidebar. Sincerely, Jan

Beware of hidden details in financial contracts…

Click button to save and share a copy of this article.It’s a fact that when you turn 18, your signature is LAW. That means that anytime you sign your name on any piece of paper, that piece of paper becomes a legally binding contract. This article explores a few financial situations for which you might sign a contract and some …

KWKI Radio – Alan Interview #2: New Opportunities & Retirement

Once again, I’m happy that my son, Alan, agreed to be interviewed. KWKIRadio.com Broadcast Wednesday, May 8, 2024 This last week I learned about a high-paying job opportunity that doesn’t require a college degree. (I think there are a lot more options out there than most people think.) Yes, Lockheed Martin is hiring! And, it turns out that all you …

KWKI Radio – Alan’s First Interview

This is my son, Alan. Once again, I’m thrilled that he agreed to be interviewed for my show. KWKIRadio.com Broadcast Wednesday, April 24, 2024 In our 30-minute interview – he was on a tight schedule – you’ll not only hear about what motivated Alan to choose to be a part of the military world but the Marine Corps in particular. …