This is a simplified explanation of State Question No. 3 for Nevada's November 5th General Election.
Many ads are attempting to give independent voters the impression they have no voice in our state elections when, in truth, they do. While independent candidates do not appear on a ballot in our "closed" primary elections, all candidates, including independents, always appear on our general election ballots.
To change to "open" primaries, yes you would see independent candidates in that election however, those same candidates may never make it to the general election ballot. And that's the election that gets someone into office.
Listen and learn the details of how our elections and ballot counting would work if these changes are supported.
Please share using the social icons below, before voting on November 5th!
Oh, and get registered to vote as soon as possible!
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Ranked-choice voting is used in various states such as Alaska, Maine, Hawaii, California, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Virginia. Conversely, ranked-choice voting is prohibited in states like Florida, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, and Tennessee.
Who uses ranked choice voting right now?
The Ranked Choice Voting Fad is Finally Ending (Thank you for this, Jenny)