It's been 4 weeks since we added the second deep box of frames to the top of our lady's apartment/ deep brood box. I figured it was time to take a peek and get them fed.
Turn up the sound on your device so you can hear the bees a buzzing!
BTW, we must feed them like this since all our flowering desert plants are no longer flowering. The vegetable gardens and fruit trees are pretty much done for the season too. In bee terms, this time of year is referred to as the "dearth."
Wrapping it up!
Now we've got to clean the smoker. Yes, there is fire in there!
You may have noticed we use the smoker every time we open the hive. We've been told the smoke somehow calms the bees so they're less aggressive. Our bees are usually pretty calm, so it's easy to think we won't need it. But, the one time I told my husband, "Oh no, we'll be fine without it," he wasn't happy. Especially since we both got swarmed and stung that day!