Is this the message we want our school reps to share?


Is this the Message We Want our School Reps to Share?

Last week this disturbing photo popped up on my FB feed. My first thought was to read it again. Then my second thought was,

Really?? The school principal is giving all kids a pass on doing well in class?

I was under the impression that our taxes pay teachers to encourage, motivate, and push our kids to learn as much as possible in the time they're together.

Not to say, "if he or she doesn''s ok."

Yes, we all think our kids are going to go on to do great things, but life is full of daily "tests" that require everyone to make good decisions. So wouldn't it be a better plan to have as much information in our kids' little brains as possible so they're able to make the best decisions possible?

"The artist who doesn't need to understand math."


Many artists are drawing and painting buildings, landscapes, people, or animals. Even when they do more untraditional works of art or sculpture, everything is usually balanced. As someone who comes from a long line of artists, I know that most artists need to understand some basic math in order to get dimensions or proportions correct.

Not only that, most artists still have to pay bills and deal with a household budget and some of them might even need to know how to cook which means dealing with measurements for ingredients, most of which involve working with fractions.

"An entrepreneur who doesn’t care about History or English literature."


Wouldn't you agree that most entrepreneurs would have an interest in those who came before them when it comes to starting a business?

I would think they'd need to have a good understanding of how world events, past and present, would affect the US economy which is made up of businesses. This is the only way to know and understand which mistakes someone else already made and how to avoid the same mistakes…or even avoid failure.

"A musician whose Chemistry marks won’t matter."

Chemistry might not be "sexy" but it sure is good to know what makes up air and water and how important that is to all living creatures including musicians. Think Erin Brockovich: She may not have been considered the brightest bulb in the box, but she knew enough to know something wasn't right and started asking questions.

"The athlete whose physical fitness is more important than Physics."

Wouldn't you agree that most entrepreneurs would have an interest in those who came before them when it comes to starting a business?

I would think they'd need to have a good understanding of how world events, past and present, would affect the US economy which is made up of businesses. This is the only way to know and understand which mistakes someone else already made and how to avoid the same mistakes…or even avoid failure. ( Click here for source.)

I can't be the only one who thinks a "plan b" is a good idea.


It wasn't very long ago most people believed that girls and farm kids didn't need much "schooling."


Up through the 1950's girls were told they shouldn’t worry about going to school because they’d never use it. After all, they’ll just be getting married and staying home to make babies and clean house. Farm and ranch kids were also told that they didn’t need a lot of education because they'd just be plowing fields or tending cattle for the rest of their lives.

Yeah, that worked out really well when husbands died in the coal mine or the ranch kids' dads got hurt - or worse - when working with the animals or machinery.

Hopefully, someone in the family knew how to read and do some basic math so the whole family didn't get screwed when it came to making house payments, buying groceries, or negotiating the sales prices of their crops.

Fact: It's much easier to manipulate and control uneducated (aka, ignorant) people.

I'm referring to anyone in a position of power - relatives, teachers, supervisors, managers, company owners, politicians, doctors, etc. - who are in charge of leading or taking care of people. Sound familiar? Or scary?

So anyone who doesn't jump on any opportunity to get a broad base of knowledge whenever they can (especially when it's free) has a big old target on their forehead and their bank accounts. These people are the ones who are more likely to be lied to and get ripped off and not realize it until it's too late.

I’ve also noticed that when someone doesn’t know or understand something, they're usually too embarrassed to raise their hands and ask questions. That's because they think they're stupid and/or they don’t want to appear to be “stupid” in front of other people. Here's a tip about that one: there's no rule against asking questions.

Either way, in my experience, the more you know about a variety of things, the more likely you are to have the confidence to question things that don't seem quite right. The less one knows, the less confident they are, and the more likely they are to make bad decisions based on some BS someone told them.


Everyone should have a good back-up plan!

Generally speaking, there are no guarantees that anyone will use every bit of their entire education in their lifetime, but there is no guarantee that they won’t need to draw on it at one time or another for various reasons. I can't tell you how many people I worked with in my 40 years who had college educations they never used in a professional capacity. But not one of them regretted getting it.

No one says you need to be an expert in everything, or even like it or care about it. The goal should be to have a basic understanding of as much as possible because you never know how things will change in your world and you’ll need to draw on that knowledge.

There’s no such thing as knowing or understanding too much.

Bottom line, school employees shouldn't give our kids a pass on doing well.

No; you nor your kids need to be an expert in everything or even like it or care about it.

The idea is to have a basic understanding of as much as you possibly can because you never know how things will change in your world and you’ll need to be able to adapt at the drop of a hat.

Yes, we will still love our kids no matter what their grades are, but I feel it's everyone's job to motivate and encourage them to do well.

What do you think?

Please leave your thoughts in the comments below. I'd love to hear what you think:

  • Did I misunderstand the FB post?
  • Am I way off base?
  • Or am I onto something?
  • How do you feel about the state of our public school system?

Would You Give a Reindeer as a Christmas Gift?


I’m guessing the answer to that question is a resounding NO!

Reindeer as a gift - Janet M. Nast

Which makes me wonder why then, do so many people think it’s a good idea to give any pet as a gift? For example, when Easter is coming up I start seeing a lot of ads for bunnies and chicks for sale as Easter gifts. Now I'm seeing this same type of ads for puppies and kittens along with people asking where they can get them in time for Christmas! OMG!

Now I don’t know everything there is to take care of all these different kinds of critters, but I do know a bit of general information about puppies. So let's take a look at what caring for a puppy involves.

I think we can all agree...

First of all, I think we can all agree there are a lot of good reasons to adopt any puppy, bunny, chick, or kitten, right? Here're a few things I can say about a puppy:

  • First of all, they’re so freeking cute and adorable and lovable!
  • And you probably already know that dogs will love you unconditionally for as long as they live, making them one of the best companions you could ever have.
  • Many breeds can provide excellent protection.
  • Getting a dog for your kids will be a great opportunity for them to learn responsibility. And what a great bonus for a great birthday present!
  • Then there are some people who get puppies as a “training” program for having kids.
  • And I've had a number of people tell me that the grandkids would love for me to have one to play with when they visit, and since I'm semi-retired now, I’ll have plenty of time for one. Ha!

So who wouldn't agree? Great idea, right?

Yeah, no.

While I may agree...

Kittens as pets janet m nast

While I may agree with all those statements wholeheartedly, I still wouldn’t appreciate someone giving me a pet as a gift. I have all kinds of reasons for that. And the reason I'm sharing my reasons with you is because I heard about an adoption event on the radio this past weekend where they were encouraging all their listeners to go to their local animal shelter and help them out by adopting a dog. Kid's birthdays were mentioned quite a few times along with companions for single-dog homes and then companions for people who live alone.

So, wow! Tens of thousands of dogs were adopted nationwide because of this annual event! It sounded wonderful!

But, hmm yeah, I wonder how many of these poor puppies will end up back in the same shelters in a few weeks because people didn't realize how much time, energy, and work they really are. That's what compelled me to write out this list.

Since I’ve had dogs, cats, and kids I’m going to make this list a little more interesting by throwing in a few comparisons between pet ownership and kid “ownership.” Hahaha! This should be interesting, right?

By the way, I wouldn’t advocate having kids based on this list. That’s a whole other discussion and a whole ‘nother book. (read:“You Can’t Love Your Children Too Much”) This is just for the sake of helping you to see things from another perspective.

1. Potty Training: The back yard may become your pet's forever toilet!

Yes, potty training seems to take forever for both toddlers and puppies. At least babies have a diaper to contain their "accidents." Anyone who's tried to potty train a puppy though, knows what it's like to get up in the middle of the night and step in a nice cold puddle of dog pee...or worse! If you've never experienced this before, why would you want to start now?

big cute mastiff

As far as the time it takes to potty train a puppy...I really can't remember how long it took. Probably the same amount of time it took me to get my kids trained...maybe a few weeks...well, when they were ready. What I do remember was stepping in a lot of puppy puddles and piles in the house for however long it took, which was way too long in my book.

And yeah, when you do get your puppy trained, that means he's trained to go your yard. How much fun does that sound like to have to go out and shovel dog poop every night when you get home from work? Especially if that's the same yard in which the kids play.

At least apartment dwellers can take their dogs for a walk so they can relieve themselves everywhere else. Of course, they still have to pick up and carry those prizes home with them. Sweet!

Either way, dogs will never clean up after themselves, poop or toys.

On the upside, kittens take about 10 seconds to learn to use a litter box. However, it might take you a few days to realize you have to clean that out every day or it gets really disgusting.

At least kids will eventually learn how to use the toilet by themselves and not have to wake you up to go outside. And, bonus, they'll even learn how to flush the toilet!

Ok, yes, a dog will clean their own hiney's so I'll give you that one.

2. Entertainment: You’re at your pet’s mercy.

Hahaha, this might be true with pets and kids! But know that regarding dogs, they are pack animals which means they are happier and healthier when they are running around and hanging around other dogs or at least one person. So unless you have a huge yard in which they can run and play all day you will have to schedule daily morning and afternoon walks as well as time to play fetch.

But wait, that’s not all. You must also have time to sit with Fido and cuddle and talk with him. Almost all pets love attention, just like kids. (There is no substitute for that. And they will love you there’s a bonus.) Either way, most critters don’t like to be alone for very long.

"He’s going at it like a dog with a bone!"

Have you ever heard that phrase? You’ll learn what it means real quick the first time you leave your dog home alone - inside or outside - when you have to run to the store or, say, go to work every day.

Know this: Dogs like to dig! They are constantly looking for that elusive bone. So when you do have to leave them home alone be prepared for torn up furniture, sheets, carpet, chewed up shoes, and trash all over the house, not to mention the holes in any window screens or anything else they attempt to dig at.

If you leave them alone outside you might as well say goodbye to your grass, garden, trees, patio furniture, etc. Hey, they get bored and they need to find that damn bone!

At least kids will eventually get to the point where they can go out and make new friends and entertain themselves. And if you "train" your kids really well they could even potentially pitch in with the housework.

3. Protection: Some pets could save your life, or not.

While some dogs are smart enough to alert a neighbor (in the right environment) if you get hurt, they’ll never be able to pick up a phone or text for help. Period. Which is going to be true for most animals. Most five-year-olds know how to make a call.

big cute mastiff

On the other hand, there are quite a few breeds that can rip the arm off an attacker. Which can be a good thing when someone breaks into your house or just attacks you in broad daylight. But as a dog owner, you need to make sure that if you are going to be walking your dog out in public on a regular basis, that he or she is of the temperament to know friend from foe. While some dogs have this “built-in,” many do not. So, this may require some owner/doggy behavioral training.

No, you won’t have to worry about this one with kids, bunnies, kittens or chicks. So there’s that!

4. Communication: Love that body language.

I’m sorry no animal will ever master the spoken word. Facial expressions and body language are the best you can hope for. Although there is nothing like that look of love on their cute little faces when you get home from a long day at work. And many critters will cuddle up to you on the couch in a heartbeat. In this, they don’t differ from kids one bit!

used Janet M. Nast

But then there’s also that barking thing if you get a puppy. Yeah, that’s their way of talking. If they’re lonely, they’ll be barking to see if other dogs will answer back, or to get your attention, or to alert you of danger, maybe. It’s up to you to figure out which is which. The really cool thing (not) is if you don’t figure it out, your neighbors will start pounding on your door in the middle of the night to remind you to do so.

At least kids will eventually be able to talk with you on a decent level. You may not want to hear what they have to say (Again, a whole ‘nother discussion, ha!), but at least you’ll know what they’re saying.

5. Self-Preservation: No pet will ever learn how to prepare their own meals.

Nope, no animal will ever open a can, a bag, or any other type of package. (Unless you leave the bag out where they can get to it. In that case, they’ll tear into it, make a huge mess, and then eat till they drop.) And if you’re going for a more ‘natural’ diet for Fido, Spot, or Fluffy, he’ll never be able to chop the meat and serve himself.

If you think it’s a good idea to leave out enough food to last a couple of days, maybe while you spend a weekend at a friend’s house, think again. Dogs especially have no self-regulation when it comes to eating. They will lick their dish dry the first day and then starve the rest of the time. That’s if they don’t make themselves sick from overeating...which is yet another problem. At least cats will just stop when they’re full. Bunnies and chicks? I’m not sure.

chicksandchickens -

Yeah, I know, I know, babies start out by depending on you too. But they do get to a point where they can pour their own cereal and milk and then eventually have the capability to advance on to cooking full-on meals. Babies and kids also know to stop eating when they’re full.

6. Vacations: Good luck with that!

You can’t ever leave most pets home alone (overnight) because for one, they could eventually starve as I mentioned above. Then there’s the issues with self-entertainment as I already touched on under the “Self-Entertainment” section above.

So vacations become a challenge because you’ll have three choices for your fur baby when you’re planning a vacation:

  • One, pay for a good, reputable boarding facility.
  • Two, constantly ask friends or relatives to come over DAILY to feed and walk and clean up after your critter. Hopefully said friends or relatives don’t have allergies.
  • Three, take your pet with you with the hopes that all hotels, campgrounds, and restaurants (along with other travelers) will welcome it and be able to accommodate it. I know some hotels are now “pet friendly” but you have to pay a pet fee between $25 - $50 per pet. I know because I’ve had to pay when moving a long distance with my two cats. Yikes!

And don’t think you can just sneak them in without mentioning it and without anyone noticing. Hahaha!!! For those of us without dogs, guess what: they do have a smell. And I’ve learned the hard way that some maids have yeah, they will figure it out. Also, remember that the check-in clerk does have a copy of your credit card so you will be charged.

The nice thing about kids? Well, you can always take them with you or ask a friend or relative to watch them. And bonus, if all goes well as they get older, they can stay home alone for longer periods of time. Eventually, they move out and take care of themselves.

Pssst! Did you notice I didn’t bring up the cost? Just know It’s not about money, it’s about time and effort. Which by the way, is exactly the same with kids. Y’all need to put a lot of thought into both decisions.

7. So, what usually happens to many gifted pets?

easter bunny

In most cases the recipient of these gifts usually figure out in a couple of weeks that they just can’t handle the work or the cost, or both. So this is what happens to many of these poor animals: The either get dropped off at animal shelters or they get dumped outside.

People who dump bunnies outside, for instance, have the misguided notion that they’re “setting them free.” This seems to be a popular opinion, especially in areas that have a lot of cotton tail rabbits running around. But the problem with that idea is that neither bunnies, chicks or kittens were raised to have the skills or instincts to survive, forage or defend themselves. So this really doesn’t “set them free” or give them "the bunny life." Dumping a domesticated bunny into the wild only guarantees a short life full of suffering.

So, just a tip, if you know of someone who's considering dumping their rabbit, please share this information with them in order to help them to understand what is wrong with that picture.

Also, ask them to involve a rescue or animal welfare organization if they need training or help.

Bottom line, if you’re serious about getting or giving a bunny, chick, puppy or kitten as a gift THINK about the recipient. Do they have the space, time or money to take care of it for the long term? If you’re not sure about the space, time or money involved find some information on the internet first.

Here are a few resources I found for rabbits:


And consider adopting an abandoned rabbit rather than buying one at a pet store. The rabbit needs you more than the pet shop or breeder.

So, here's the deal:

Yes reindeer, bunnies, chicks, kittens, and puppies are very cute and very lovable but like kids, they require a lot of time, work, energy, and love. And since they never learn how to talk or take care of themselves, it’s like having a toddler for 12 – 15 years (depending on the breed).

So when anyone tries to tug at your heartstrings and tries to convince you to adopt a pet for whatever reason, please keep these things in mind and please feel free to share this article!




How the Election Process Works 2024


Click the PDF to download and share a copy.

LifeAfter18 Download PDF

Since we have a presidential election coming up this year I thought it’d be a good idea to write out a simplified overview of how the whole process works from primaries and delegates to the electoral vote and the general election. Broadcast Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Many people learn better by listening rather than reading, so for you, I'd like to share my show that's set to air this Wednesday online at .

In this 6-part recording (seen below), I'll define many of the terms you'll be hearing throughout the year in addition to a rundown on how everything works together.

But then, since this is a recording of my regular weekly show, there're a couple of extra bits:

  • What would a discussion about our elections be without a discussion about how much your vote does matter and how all this affects our economy?
  • I’ll also drop in a bit about sugar at the end. Yes, there is a huge difference between naturally occurring sugar and the sweeteners that are added to processed foods.

Most important of all, if I've made any mistakes please let me know in the comments section below. I appreciate all your feedback.



Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6


Does the economy only affect RICH people?


What do you think?

Someone said that to me once, so he didn't believe it had anything to do with him. HA!

So, I made this little cartoon for that guy and all the other people out there who aren't clear on how everything is tied together. It's a simple explanation of just two facets of the economy and the domino effect they have on everyone, especially the poor and middle class.

I sure hope the guy who made the original statement sees this and understands how everything is connected.

Please feel free to share your thoughts or questions in the comments below.




America’s Hospital Crisis: Why are so many closing?


Life After 18-abandoned hospital

I just watched this incredible documentary on how hospital billing works and I now understand why so many of our hospitals are being forced to shut down. The result, of course, is less available urgent care, higher mortality rates, and, surprisingly enough, rising crime rates. Speaking of the Business of LIFE!!!

So that made me think, am I the only one who didn’t understand all this? I’ll bet not. So rather than make you sit through an hour and a half of a video, I thought I’d do a simple summary here and share it with you all. Here’s the link to the video though, in case you’d like to watch it and know where I got all my information.

Flatline: America's Hospital Crises

Three Ways Hospitals Make Money or, Get Paid

First, you have to understand how hospitals get paid. And understand that if they don’t get paid enough through providing services such as tests and surgeries to pay for the doctors, surgeons, nurses, and other staff, then they just can't stay open. Like all businesses.

You have to also realize that doctors, surgeons, and nurses aren’t minimum-wage workers. They have paid through the nose to go to school for many years to learn their skills. (And personally, I hope my doctor is the "A" student who went to the best schools. So they're compensated a lot more than say, a $20 an hour fast-food worker.

Ok, so here's the scoop. These are the four options for a hospital to generate revenue, aka, get money:

1. Patients who pay cash.

2. Patients who have Medicaid or Medicare. These programs are funded by the government. So you must realize that the government gets this money through payroll deductions from working people, aka employees of all companies. When a patient goes in for a service, a bill is submitted to the appropriate government-run insurance company whether it be Medicaid or Medicare. That insurance company reimburses the hospital for said service.

Life After 18-patient

3. Patients who have insurance through their workplace. This is referred to as “commercial” insurance. This insurance may paid in part with the company profits and in part by the employee. When an employee goes in for a service, a bill is submitted to their insurance company through work. That insurance company reimburses the hospital for said service.

4. But we can’t forget those patients who have no money and just can't pay anything.

The costs are still incurred though, and the money has to come from somewhere. Keep reading to find out where.

Except for option 4 above, it seems like this all could work out fine. Let’s look at each of the four patient options in more detail to find out why it doesn’t.

Patients Who Pay Cash

These are probably the only people who do ok. Well, if they have that kind of cash lying around. I’ve read in many places that if you pay cash, you will be billed at up to 80% lower than an insurance company would be. Most hospitals are so darn happy to be paid in full right up front, that they are probably going to charge you closer to the actual cost of the surgery or service.

Patients Who Have Medicaid or Medicare:
Here's the REAL Kicker!

Did you know that Medicaid/Medicare will negotiate with each hospital, every two years or so, for how much they will pay for a service?

The problem is that those two government-run entities don’t care what it actually costs to provide that service.

For example, a mammogram. We’ll keep it simple and boil this process down to just the salary of the technician and the cost of the facility. She might get paid $36 an hour. And I’ll say the process takes about an hour and a half from start to finish. That’s $54. The machinery and the room cost might be $20 an hour, so $30 for that, with a grand total of $84 for the mammogram.

Medicaid will tell the hospital they will only reimburse the hospital $30 for each mammogram that it provides! This means the hospital goes in the negative $54 for every patient who gets this done.

business of life skills-empty hospital room

Or let’s talk about a heart valve replacement. Maybe the surgeon is paid $150 an hour. If we’re talking about a four-hour surgery, this will cost $600. And his assistant is paid $50 an hour for four hours. That’s another $200. (I have no idea how many assistants there are for these things.) Then let’s say it's about $300 for various supplies (gauze, sponges, anesthetics, gloves, masks, etc. ). Oh, and $100 an hour for the room and its equipment. We’re up to $1,500.

Medicaid says they will only reimburse the hospital $900 for each surgery of this type! This means the hospital goes in the negative $600 for every patient who gets this procedure.

Can you see the pattern of loss here?

Something else to be reminded of here is that Medicaid and Medicare are funded by payroll deductions of people who work and those who are on Social Security. Yes, look for that line item on your pay stub. That is how government-funded insurance is funded; by people who have jobs or are retired. If jobs are gone, so goes this funding.

You should also be aware that these are the same people who also pay for part of their own medical insurance through more payroll deductions. Keep reading.

Patients Who Have Employer Insurance

I learned a new phrase here: this is called "commercial insurance."

Every single insurance company will go through the same negotiating process that Medicaid and Medicare do, with every hospital in the country with which they work. Imagine how many insurance companies there are in the US doing this every two years: hundreds I’m sure.

And they do this for every single service and every single supply such as aspirin, gauze, or band-aids. This is why every single service and product can have over 150 - 200 different prices! Can you believe that???

But, and this is a big BUT, the hospitals know that they have to make up the money they are losing with Medicaid/Medicare. So what do they do? They overcharge these other commercial insurance companies to make up the difference. And they may need to overcharge by a lot. Because of this process, each different insurance company may get billed a different price for the same service. Again, this is why there can be up to 150 different prices for the same service at the same hospital with the same staff.

Those charges are then reflected in the rates employers have to pay for employee insurance. When it gets to be too much for the employer to cover the entire cost, they pass part of that cost on to the employees. Some companies will still foot the entire bill, but many don’t anymore because the insurance companies are being billed so much that they have to raise their rates.

Isn’t that nice?

Lastly, Patients Who Can't Pay at All

So who do you suppose that includes?

  • Maybe all those who lost their jobs during the shutdown,
  • Or all those who never had employer-sponsored insurance,
  • Or people who got hurt or sick and can't work,
  • We also have veterans who are disabled and have been chasing their benefits for years,
  • And maybe even the millions of illegal immigrants who have come to America in recent years.

Hospitals collect zero dollars from these patients no matter how many services are provided. That means that simply put, the doctors and nurses, who helped these patients and the electricity to keep the lights on in the patient's hospital room, all have to be paid by someone else. Keep reading to learn more about how the hospitals attempt to cover the costs.

Let's Summarize and Tie All This Together Now

We have four types of hospital patients who may or may not pay:

  • Cash: Probably pay 100% of actual cost for services: this is probably a break-even scenario.

  • Medicaid, Medicare: They pay approximately 20% less than the actual cost for each service. That's a 20% loss per patient for every service provided.

  • Employer Paid/ Commercial Insurance: The number of Medicaid/ Medicare patients will determine how much over cost the commercial insurance companies will be paying. In our scenario here, they have to pay 120% over cost. That’s not to mention, the next group who can't or just don't pay. So these companies may be paying up to or more than 200% of actual cost.

  • Poor patients who can't pay: This is 100% loss for each patient. Commercial insurance is the only insurance that can make up this loss. Again, it gets dropped on the working people.

So who takes it like a rat?

As you can see, there are two giant options for loss of revenue ( aka, money) when it comes to medical payments:

  • Options 2 and 4 shown above.

And I think you can now see who carries the biggest burden of the cost of health care:

  • Option 3, the commercial insurance companies funded by working people who not only have payroll deductions for Medicaid/medicare, they may also have to pay for their own private medical insurance.

One More Part of the Money Pit Scenario...

Now let's take a look at the domino effect when a big company shuts down in your town, like the sawmill, a casino, or a hospital, or when a majority of the people in your town are retired.

  • You'll now have fewer working people who pay for commercial medical insurance.
  • Which means you'll have fewer payroll deductions to fund Medicaid and Medicare.
  • And you'll have fewer people who can pay cash.

  • So then you'll have more people depending on Medicaid or Medicare: the two companies undercutting/underbidding the hospitals.
  • And more people probably having to get services for free.

business of life skills-empty hospital and wheelchair

So you have to ask yourself: How are the doctors and nurses going to be paid when any one of these scenarios happens? Where is the money coming from not only for their pay but to keep the lights on and to keep all the machinery running in the hospital?

Simply put, when there’s not enough money coming in well, the hospitals and staff don't get paid at all. And the electric and phone bills don't get paid either. At this point, the hospital has to close its doors. There is not a single business on earth that can keep running when they are losing money every month.

What does that look like in a small town?

business of life skills-sick old man

Residents now have to find their way to another hospital an hour or two away when they get in a car accident, have a stroke, have a heart attack, or even experience something like going into labor.

My small town of Pahrump has no maternity faculties so all pregnant women must drive a minimum of an hour and a half to Las Vegas for most of their prenatal care and then labor and delivery. Most accident victims, stroke victims, and heart attack victims are also taken to Vegas for treatment. Luckily we have EMTs and a helicopter so that saves some time. But it doesn’t always save lives.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Solutions?

Keep in mind that this is my interpretation of the documentary. If you have time, watch it. Very worthwhile and eye-opening. Remember, the link is at the top of this post.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and your suggestions as to what you think can be done to prevent hospital closures from happening.

