Beware of hidden details in financial contracts…

Click button to save and share a copy of this article.It’s a fact that when you turn 18, your signature is LAW. That means that anytime you sign your name on any piece of paper, that piece of paper becomes a legally binding contract. This article explores a few financial situations for which you might sign a contract and some …

Talk maybe about what retirement looks like in a relationship.

Submitted by Lailana H., a student at Pahrump Valley High School.Y’all need to talk to each other… How do you want to live as you get older? When you start dating someone seriously, this is a topic you need to discuss with each other. It all falls under a discussion you should have about you both manage money (learn about …

Are You Too Young to Start Saving for Retirement?

Click this button to Save and Share a copy of this article. My brother, a long haul truck driver, dropped in this past weekend accompanied by his co-driver, Jeremiah Johnson (yes, that’s his real name for those of you who remember that movie.) During good meals and good conversations we came around to the topic of retirement. Jeremiah had this …