Talk maybe about what retirement looks like in a relationship.

Submitted by Lailana H., a student at Pahrump Valley High School.Y’all need to talk to each other… How do you want to live as you get older? When you start dating someone seriously, this is a topic you need to discuss with each other. It all falls under a discussion you should have about you both manage money (learn about …

Is your perfect mate really perfect for you?

I’ve been reading a lot of posts on social media lately where men and women alike are complaining about their other halves. Some of their arguments are pretty ugly regarding really bad behaviors. I’m not an expert on fixing people or relationships, but lately, I’ve been helping a lot of people learn how to make better choices before jumping right …

The Hard Truth About Marriage

Click this button to Save and Share a copy of this article.  As an adult, you need to realize that marriage is a legally binding, financial business arrangement. You will be co-habitating, which means signing contracts together for either an apartment or a house. You might be getting joint bank accounts and joint credit cards. All these tasks involve legal …

Dealing with Roommates #2

Click to save and share a copy of this article. I’ve listed these suggestions in order of importance based on my experience with my kids as well as what I’ve heard from their friends. In order to save on rent, you might want to consider sharing your home with friends, aka “roommates.” That way you can split the rent by …