Our economy is made up of so many moving parts it’s hard to be an expert at all of them. That said, I’ve done my best to illustrate the most common aspects of I in this video. Let me know if it helps you out by leaving a comment below. Please share using the social icons below, before voting on …
What’s it take to move out on your own?
There’s a lot more to moving out than just packing a bag and going. I’d say if you know more about what you might be facing, you can be better prepared and be more likely to stay out. Take notes from what I tell you in this video, or click here to sign up for the Housing & Moving Out …
How a 25% Tax on Unrealized Capital Gains Can Affect You
A lot of people are under the impression that this type of tax will only affect rich people or homeowners. No, yeah, this will affect everyone paying rent on anything: homes, apartments, trailer parks, and businesses as well as business owners and their employees. Please share using the social icons below, before voting on November 5th! Oh, and get registered …
My Summer in a Country Western Song
As the summer comes to a close, I wanted to share some of the unexpected twists, turns, and exciting new ventures that have defined the past few months for us. It feels like I’ve been living in the middle of a country western song, complete with bees, back injuries, and a truck that just wouldn’t quit, thank goodness! But amidst …
Beware of hidden details in financial contracts…
Click button to save and share a copy of this article.It’s a fact that when you turn 18, your signature is LAW. That means that anytime you sign your name on any piece of paper, that piece of paper becomes a legally binding contract. This article explores a few financial situations for which you might sign a contract and some …