Introduction Thinking about living on your own someday? Then earning your own money is a must! Whether it’s called “working for a living” or just “getting a job,” it all starts with understanding the basics. In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know before stepping into the working world—like what makes a full-time job different from a …
Life Happens and so do great opportunities!
I’m sure all of you have heard that expression, “Stuff happens.” And it’s usually a negative thing, right? Well, I’d like to share my take on a variation of that phrase: Life Happens. What I’m referring to is the fact that we all make plans and then life gets in the way. In my opinion, though, this can be a …
The Importance of Knowing How to Calculate Percentages & Good Grammar
Where does the media get those inflation percentages and how well do you remember junior high grammar? Let me remind you…. Please share using the social icons below, before voting on November 5th! Oh, and get registered to vote as soon as possible!
Our Beek Adventures: Checking the Hive-Sept. 13 2024
Deciding to add a new brood box for our girls. They’re moving in! And we’ve added air vents. I sure hope they make it through the winter ok. After 115 to 120 degrees in the summer, I’d say they’re pretty tough ladies! Responsive YouTube Embed with Shadow and Rounded Corners
Question No. 3 on Nevada’s 2024 General Election
This is a simplified explanation of State Question No. 3 for Nevada’s November 5th General Election. Many ads are attempting to give independent voters the impression they have no voice in our state elections when, in truth, they do. While independent candidates do not appear on a ballot in our “closed” primary elections, all candidates, including independents, always appear on …