Life After 18
Teaching Things You Don't Learn in School
You've been brought to this page because you're probably frustrated with all the life skills no one explained when you graduated. And, YOU WANT - no, YOU NEED - some instant gratification!
Are you overwhelmed by the amount of stuff everyone (Mom and Dad usually ) tell you you're gonna have to deal with since you got out of school?
They way they go on and on about it, nothing sounds simple, does it? (But it really is.)
I mean, why does it sound so hard just to get a job? Oh, and guess what? There're a few key things about this process that no one tells you. They all say,
“Oh, you'll just figure it out on your own like I did.”
UGH! Not helpful at all!
(Don't worry, I go over all of it in the "Employment and Retirement" module.)
So, the ball's in your court. You can make good things happen in your world. The question is, how bad do you want it?
Most all the tools you'll need to get you going in the right direction are right here, just a click away. I'm offering you a cheat sheet to the life skills that everyone's Mom and Dad said they "figured out on their own."
You know if they can do it, you sure as heck can! After all, Mom and Dad aren't rocket scientists, are they?
© 2024 Janet M. Nast