Three things you should know about getting a job, and lots more...
Just so you don't look clueless in an interview, here're three things you should know:
The difference between a part-time and full-time job
Minimum wage and how much is it in your town?
Hourly pay vs. a salary
You'll also learn what you can do to be THE candidate, not just one blending in with a million candidates:
Tips for making the best first impression ever!
How to be better prepared for any interview, for any type of job.
Some things you should say,
And some things you shouldn't.
And what happens when your working career is over?
Should you assume you'll just automatically have plenty of money to live on when you're 65?
Let's get you prepared with some easy tasks so you can be sure you're not gonna be one of those old people living on the street. After all,
Not everyone gets a Pension.
And you may not get to collect Social Security.
Learn all the details about these things and more in the Employment and Retirement module of the Life After 18 course.